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stage 4


Cancer Chicks

May 16, 2016

coffeeMy friend blurted out today, “We are the crazy cancer chicks.”

So that is our new label. Cancer chicks!!! We both have stage 4 cancer and decided that we are going to make this year fun and achieve all our goals. We have promised each other to make a list of what we want to achieve and make sure that we each stay on our path.

I asked her what she wanted her children to remember of her. She said – Strength. That their mother was a strong woman. That she gave them their strength and their independence at a young age. She has done this beautifully. I admire the path that she chose: To give her children their own lives, even if that meant for her letting go. That is pure strength and beauty. To really let go and let your children go so they can soar. I am amazed at her courage. I wish I could tell the world about the gift that she gave to her children when she was diagnosed. It is the truest act of going with your heart and not operating from what should happen or being on a track with what society says we should do. Continue Reading